Sunday, November 26, 2006

introductions all around

I just started reading the cluetrain manifesto and have decided to start making conversation. I want to talk to companies in need of a thinking, creative, entrepreneurial freelance designer for projects where they'd like to "talk" to their customers instead of "pitching" them worn out ideas and flat out lies. Haven't we all had enough of that, anyway?


My name's Tom Johnson. I had a job at a behind-the-firewall agency with a command and control boss. Now I'm free.

Look out.

I have ideas. I know people. I have a craft that I'm proud of. If you'd like to speak with me, all my contact information is right here. I'm here. I'm staying. I hope we get a chance to speak and tell each other what is on our minds.

Meanwhile, check out for some inspiration.

Tom Johnson — Graphic Designer — TJ Studio

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